29 maj 2008

Big Al

A caricature of Big Al from the Drawingboard.

18 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...

NICe painting!

C.B. Canga sa...

nice job. i especially like the graphic strokes in his hair.

Belmhern sa...

Felicidades tus caricaturas son fantasticas, realmente buenas.
Saludos desde mi blog en España.

Pat Bollin sa...

Hi - I'm an old member of the caricaturist's caricatures thread at the drawingboard (formerly known as Sendak). There is some serious talent there, but only a small group has REALLY impressed me. You are now part of that group! Nice stuff, man. I'll be putting up some new stuff of my own soon. ~ Pat

Per H sa...

Thank you all for kind comments! It's very appreciated. And Sendak/Patbollin, I have followed your work at the drawing board and I look forward to see more of your great work.


This is some of the best work I've seen in a while. Your likenesses are spot on. WOW!

Joe y Elio

Lorraine A D Alvarez sa...

love your style. Especially the sanna piece, quite lovely.

Craig Zablo sa...

very nice! more please!

Christina Jonsson sa...

I have nominated you for an award on my blog. If you don't want to participate, that is fine too!

Alexiev sa...

Guau... Genial... Great... I love...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Alexiev Store

Hoon sa...

well done!

Hedvig sa...

Damn! Den här bilden är verkligen hur snygg som helst! Du har så himla skönt flow i linjerna.

Paul Moyse sa...

You have a great and unique rendering style, I like it alot! Also, your life figure drawings are superb, the linework is excellent. More of those please!

Alexei Samokhin sa...

wow, greate emotion! Cool stuff !

jmborot sa...

nice blog too.
And very nice caricature of Big Al, one of the very best I've seen.
I've been working on Big Al face this last spring (I did not post my sketch yet)

Nelson Santos sa...

Great blog, great caricatures and i like this one particularly the effect on his hair is awsome good job!

Per H sa...

Thank you all so much for pushing forwards comments! Much appreciated!

Dominic Philibert sa...

Thanx alot my friend!!!
You're doing some amazing illustrations!
Your blog is amazing too